Implementation of the Cluster strategy and action plan

The third workshop within the project Establishment of functional work of the Metal Industry Cluster of Western Serbia VEST METAL GROUP was held on Friday, May 22, 2015.

The guest at the workshop was Mr. Milan Vuckovic, who gave a presentation on the topic: HOW TO ACHIEVE AND SUCCESSFULLY DO BUSINESS IN THE GERMAN SPEAKING MARKET.

Also, the strategy and action plan of the Cluster were unanimously adopted at the workshop. Cluster services were also discussed. It should be noted that the services of the cluster are crucial for its success and sustainability. A cluster can attract and retain companies only if services have been developed that are tailored to their needs. The Cluster will then define the criteria for selecting a new member to the Cluster.

The representative of the National Agency for Regional Development actively took part in this workshop and the representatives of the cluster members of the future national programs for the development of innovative clusters.

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